24 April 2009

Don't Call It A Comeback

I fell off the boat a bit after my intial post regarding London-town, but I'm sorta back. I've decided to try and post more of my own shots as per many concerned friends, all of whom I love and appreciate. So, here's a few extra shots from England...

The first two are the caretakers of an estate in the countryside in a town called Oxfordshire. This is one of the two towns in England that claim to be the oldest in the country...

These next two are of the estate and of the property of the estate, which spans nearly 105 acres. Pretty baller.

The trip was extremely successful, as I got to see my friends, make new ones, and happen on an amazing vintage British Navy wool waistcoat. The trip made me realize how much I want to move out of New York, and the temptation keeps rising, but I digress...

On that note I will be leaving you with the feel good hit of 2009/the greatest song of the 21st century. Please enjoy.


Ty said...

Jani These are great photos Keep them coming.

Jani said...

If you think that is the best song of the 21st century .... I hate to hear the worst.

Photos are cool though.