11 May 2009

So Sweet.

Book Returned to Virginia Library, 31 Years Late
Published: May 11, 2009

ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) -- Jimmy Carter was in the White House and Dick Cavett was on late night TV when Sarah McKee borrowed a book about American Indian leaders from a northern Virginia library.

Now the book is back after McKee mailed it to the Arlington County Library with a check for $25. McKee lives in Amherst, Mass., and is a trustee for her local library. She checked out ''The Patriot Chiefs'' by Alvin M. Josephy on March 16, 1978, when she lived in Virginia.McKee says the book somehow got mixed in with her own collection. Recently, McKee opened the book and realized her mistake.

The 70-year-old retired lawyer faults her spotty memory for the mix-up.

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